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2017 Keller, Westhofener Brunnenhauschen Abtserde Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel, Rheinhessen




Regular price $200
2017 Keller, Westhofener Brunnenhauschen Abtserde Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel, Rheinhessen

2017 Keller, Westhofener Brunnenhauschen Abtserde Riesling Auslese Goldkapsel, Rheinhessen




Regular price $200

Sourced from the higher, older vines in Abtserde, grown in limestone soils enriched with clay and iron oxide, with approximately 25% of the grapes being botrytized. Due to labeling regulations, “Abtserde'' can no longer appear on the label, so Klaus-Peter designates this wine as Abts E. This vintage saw low yields due to a major hailstorm on August 25th, but the surviving fruit was exceptional and benefited from a full, ripe growing season.

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This issued from the upper reaches of the Abtserde – stony and meager in topsoil – and from fruit roughly 25% botrytized. mirabelle, quince and white raisin soar from the rim of the glass. In the mouth, a satiny feel and a hint of oiliness enhance the sense of jellied and dried fruits. But as with the corresponding Spätlese and “regular” Auslese, bright animation and invigorating tactile stimulation emerge, here in the form of sizzling raw ginger and lime peel. There is an almost severe sense of concentration that translates into a gripping, nearly ineradicable finish, accompanied by vibrancy such as runs virtually throughout the vintage 2017 Keller collection, at whatever level of residual sugar.

What the Critics are Saying




This issued from the upper reaches of the Abtserde – stony and meager in topsoil – and from fruit roughly 25% botrytized. mirabelle, quince and white raisin soar from the rim of the glass. In the mouth, a satiny feel and a hint of oiliness enhance the sense of jellied and dried fruits. But as with the corresponding Spätlese and “regular” Auslese, bright animation and invigorating tactile stimulation emerge, here in the form of sizzling raw ginger and lime peel. There is an almost severe sense of concentration that translates into a gripping, nearly ineradicable finish, accompanied by vibrancy such as runs virtually throughout the vintage 2017 Keller collection, at whatever level of residual sugar.